Friday, March 16, 2012

Blah blee blah

My days seem to seep into the next. I'm rather lonely, yet I'm productive. It's not that I wish I went to school because I really don't, I just wish I had some friends to see every day. I cannot wait until next year. Something to do every day. Surrounded by the greatest people, one being my baby love :). I love that boy, and I can't wait to have sleepovers when ever we want. I hope my classes aren't too early because I'll have to trek. Today was okay. I am babysitting right now, and I'm getting drunk later. Maybe do some artwork in that state of mind. ALWAYS a trip. I applied for a job at a fitness club daycare, I really hope I get that because I do have a passion for entertaining and being with children. They make me so happy and feel so care free and joyful! So criss cross your fingers. I also started teaching myself some simple French words and phrases to throw around, I might as well get a jump start since I will be studying the language next year. It was James' idea to do that, and he speaks it fluently so one day I will be on his level!! That's my dream.

I am so in love and so happy. We had an incredible experience a few weeks ago with a friend of ours. Everything was illuminated and so beautiful to me. Being in contact with my boyfriend was the best. I'd go more into detail but I sort of want to keep this experience to myself. It was pretty intimate and actually very hard to explain.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh Andy.


Naturally, I am not a blogger, but Christina asked if I still wrote in this ol' thang and I was inspired to do so, naturally. Senior year has begun and so far I have no ounce inside myself to put any effort into anything, well except for things I truly care about. It's hard, Jesuit is full of traditions and quite frankly, I'm getting so sick of it. I really want something new, but whatever, I will get by and try to get the most out of what's put in front of me. I sometimes say I'm bitter, but really I'm not, I am just sleepy... getting up at 6:15 every morning is draining my energy. SO! I need something to help me bounce back to my energetic jive and while I know I have things to help me do this I am also looking for that new "something". I have a big year ahead of me and I want to conquer it and be proud of my accomplishments.
Summer was overall just a wonderful experience. I have met some of the most wonderful people I have ever met, I had time to realize what is best for me, and I was Peter Pan! It makes me excited to think I am still youth, and I get more excited thinking that I can remain this way forever. I love inspiration and the fact that anything can inspire you.
"I love me and u love u, and we were born this way."- Lady Gaga, what a gem. I saw her in concert this summer with Sophia June and jizzed my pants because she is outrageous and so damn awesome. Sophia and I wear her lipstick everyday as a reminder that we are awesome too :) As cheesy and emo as blogs are to me, I still love this outlet and this distraction. Some words before I go finish cleaning my room, fuck worthless opinions and do what makes you happy. I will find my something and I WILL conquer, but for now I will clean. Loves you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crisp apples.

Dear you,
My new thing is refrigerating apples and then snaking on them throughout the day. I also got a new cell phone (finally) that makes me feel cooler. So, I do not get the concept that every sunday has to make you feel like shit.. the closure to the week is so dreary; the week is officially coming to an end, and tomorrow begins 7 new, mysterious days. I dont get this tradition, but I don't really plan on thinking about it too much, I got my cold apple to chew on and my fuckin sweet phone to play with. Hung out with Andrew last night, and speaking of traditions, we always end up doing the same thing: Drive around, talk, eat at sharis, listen to music. I'm not saying that it's not fun, but haha I wish we were able to think outside of the box. BUT I like what we do together, so I hope to stick to our usual whenever we hang. Anyway we decided to pre-game Where the Wild Things Are, but we ended up going into Paranormal Activity, which was a JOKE and not scary what-so-ever. I did get a good laugh out of it, but I was bummed I wasted my precious money on that shit, when I could've been watching a longer, probably more entertaining film. I had a freaky dream last night. I'm always dreaming of you know who, and it makes it harder, but I love when I do because ahhh I love you know who. Bleh. Stupid sundays.
NME returns today! I cannot wait to see those beautiful men of 2011.
I love you lots.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hate waiting for nail polish to dry.

Dear you,
My nails are a vibrant green now. I thought I would spice it up. Not a whole lot happened today, went to school, came home, napped, wrote a paper, and worked out while at the same time reading. I began my day with michael buble's new song, then some old school 90's.. BBmac anyone? Turned my encounter app in, I'm going on OWE, I really cannot wait. OH, I read the new post secrets last night, and they aren't very uplifting, haha. I want to start my own post secret with the school or something, and have people give me their own secrets on a notecard, with or without their name. I don't care how you give it to me, but I would loooove that. I'm rather trustworthy, but I want to become stronger in that area, and I believe this will help.
I'm off to read some New Moon sweet thang, catch ya later. I love you.

Don't stop, never give up, hold your head high, and reach the top, let the world see what you have got, bring it on back to you! (Some wise words brought to you by S Cluuuuuuub ).

Monday, September 7, 2009

Come fly with me!

Dear you,
Oh you. Back to school and already under pressure. Writing an essay here, and reading a chem textbook there. Chemistry.. really? Anyway I'm ready for the difficult junior year, really am, BRRRRIINNNG IT ON J HIGH! I'm also ready for some change, and I have a clean slate and I'm feeling a change, a good one though, and not too drastic. I came home last night, got into a big sweat shirt and watched disturbia with my mom in her bed. (My dad has been sleeping in my bros room because he snores big time.) I cried in her arms while Shia was hacking away at the creepy bad guy neighbor. Just trying to mend a teenager's broken heart.. aw shoot. I woke up numb, and I hid away stuff that reminded me of the damn boy. I will get over it in time, because time heals. Didn't do much today, just procrastinated from doing the stupid summer reading essay, my fingers were not quite ready to pound out some B.S. essay on a book I almost finished. Huh. I ate a delish meal with the family and some family pals and then went upstairs while my baby brother was taking a bath and cried into my daddy's chest. My father is so wise, and so freaking right about everything. My sobs quickly turned into chuckles, because matt (my brother) was singing the cutest song, and he was whistling.. that kid will become a professional whistler swear to god. I've been reading New Moon for the second time, Im officially on Team Jacob.
How was your day?? I love you.

It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

Saturday, June 6, 2009